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The Hack indexer is built into the Hack typechecker. Stable and nightly binaries of the Hack indexer are available.

Run the indexer​

The indexer is run via the main glean CLI tool.

> cabal build exe:glean

And index your Hack repository with:

glean index hack DIR --db NAME/INSTANCE


  • DIR is the root directory containing the Hack project (with .hhconfig)
  • name/hash is the name of the repository to create

Provide the usual --db-root and --schema or --service arguments to glean

In the shell​

Hack source can also be indexed directly from the Glean shell:

:index hack DIR

Run the indexer (manually)​

hh_server DIR --write-symbol-info JSON \
--config symbol_write_include_hhi=false \
--config symbolindex_search_provider=NoIndex \
--config lazy_decl=true \
--config lazy_parse=true \
--config lazy_init2=true \


  • DIR is the root directory containing the .php files
  • JSON is the directory in which to write the output .json files
  • We need several config flags to instantiate hh_server for indexing

The generated files can be ingested into a Glean database using glean create.

Derived predicates​

Several predicates should be derived after indexing. For each stored predicate in the schema you should glean derive the predicate.


The schema is in glean/schema/source/hack.angle